Thursday, April 30, 2015

Shout. Shout. Let It All Out.

This may sound a little New Age to some, but it is 100% true. You attract what you put out into the universe. If you are constantly the victim and you never accept responsibility for your own feelings, you will attract people with the same toxic beliefs into your life. If you are someone who views our world as a place of opportunity and value how you spend your time here, then you will attract people with the same positive energy.

Take a moment to look around the room and count all the red items you see. Now go back to reading this and see if you can remember how many yellow items there are. I’m willing to bet you can’t remember very many. You only notice what you focus on.

Now think of someone that absolutely drives you batty. It could be a family member, a client or your best friend that could tick you off that day. You just might be irritated with their behavior because it is a reflection of something in you. This something could be a behavior you are guilty of. You don’t like it because you are ashamed of it.

Instead of getting mad at the person, try to approach it from a place of curiosity. WHY is their behavior bothersome? Is it a reflection of some part of your personality? What can you do to respond instead of react to situations?

It is perfectly fine to get mad, but we have a philosophy here at Worx: Shout, shout, let it all out and move on. Throw an absolute shitfit. Then take a cue from your dog, kick some grass over that turd and move on.

It may sound cliché, but with a breakdown there often comes a breakthrough. You have to dust yourself off and keep going. You are absolutely in charge of how you respond to events in your life. You could play the victim and come up with all the reasons in the world to not do something, or you can make a decision and commit to it. Focus on things that are going well and ignore the things you cannot change. Listen to feedback from others, but don’t let that stop you from doing what you need to do. Don’t be afraid to be so freaking happy that it scares people.

Playing it small doesn’t serve the world.

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