Thursday, May 28, 2015

Lean Into the Pain

Taking a leap of faith to start your own business takes a lot of guts. You couldn’t imagine doing anything else. But sometimes there is a nagging sense of doubt. Something is holding you back. It is time to talk about FEAR. In all reality, failure is never as scary as we make it out to be. At WORX we like to settle in and get cozy with what makes us a little uncomfortable, immersing ourselves in it so our weaknesses can become strengths. Recently, I listened to Rourke Denver speak at a conference, and there are a few things I will keep with me forever.

Whatever brings you fear and hesitation – FACE IT.

How? Well, have you ever tried to tackle everything at once and felt like you weren’t accomplishing anything? Our brains just aren’t wired that way. Time and time again we have heard that there is no such thing as multitasking, only task switching. I don’t know about you but that feels overwhelming to me. When I feel overwhelmed, I don’t want to bother with any of it.

Whether you choose a small carry-on or a hefty suitcase for your next trip, either way you will fill the bag. Choose wisely and don’t take on more work than you can handle. Taking something that seems impossible, intimidating or scary and breaking it into reasonable chunks makes it seem doable. By limiting your field of view, I promise you will see more.

Pain is an agent of fear. We are made to absorb pain (mental or physical) because we recover stronger than before. We refer to these as “growing pains” in our company culture. If something is broken, many of us stay in that situation because it is familiar, therefore more comfortable than changing it. Change is scary. This may be a surprise but small changes will only yield small results. You don’t have to do something because that is how it has always been done. Make BOLD corrections and ask, “Is there anything else I can do?” It is easier to make small adjustments moving forward.

Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be a solo act. Surround yourself with a support team of people that are in your corner rooting for you. Find the right group of people to play on your team who can help you find your rhythm. Once you find your rhythm, you will absolutely know you are where you are intended to be.

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