Everyone ticks. As a whole, many of us get along pretty well
but sometimes we get caught up in thinking about the past or worrying about the
future – which causes unnecessary pain. Every so often you
need a good kick in the pants reminder to live in the moment and to appreciate
what is around you right now. In this very moment, what happened yesterday,
last month or last year doesn’t matter. RIGHT NOW- you have a blank slate and a
fresh start.
As an entrepreneur willing to take a risk and venture out on
your own, you are putting yourself out there. You aren’t afraid to be
vulnerable. However, if you let it, one bad email or annoying social media post
can throw you off for the whole day. Having said that, it is ok to feel what
you are going to feel in that moment. Recently an entrepreneur told us, “It is
OK to be vulnerable. You don’t have to be cool all of the time.” Just be sure
to recognize that feeling, acknowledge it and keep going. If you find yourself
thinking about it again, rinse and repeat.
There will always be people that don’t agree with you. Good!
That means you stand for something. The best way around that is through it.
Although easier said than done, focus on the good things that are happening. So
much of what we do requires practice, as does the ability to focus on what is
good right now. It doesn’t have to be anything spectacular. You can simply sit
on your front porch and listen to the birds. Mindfulness seems like a cliché
term nowadays, but there is some truth to its practice. Give yourself the time
to just be.
Most entrepreneurs aren’t in it for the dollars. If you are
willing to take a risk, have a good reason why. Find that one thing that
excites you and turn any discomfort into motivation to keep your dream in
motion. Doing so leaves you open to the critics, open to the risks, and open to
self-doubt. That’s OK. Getting stuck in that cycle isn’t. Recognize and
acknowledge the feelings don’t ignore them – but also know that right now
matters, there is always something good, and what happened in the past is just
that – it’s in the past.
“Human is as good as it gets.” - Bobbi Duffy
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