Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Strong Brand - Online

Social media is such a strong part of branding in today's advertising. Here are some tips to keeping things strong and consistent:

1. Set up your social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, MerchantCircle, LinkedIn, just to name a few. The good news is, you can link them all together so when you update one, they all get updated!

2. Stay consistent. Don't set up your accounts and never use them again. Keep your followers updated with blog posts, newsletters, specials, and respond to feedback. Let them know you are available.

3. Keep in real. Don't pretend to be someone or something that you're not. Let them know who they're working with by using real photos of you, your team and your work. Tell them what your latest and greatest is. If you make a mistake, be the first to come clean. Being honest builds trust.

4. Listen. Answer the questions your customers have, and provide feedback to their questions. Learn what you customers like and dislike. Use online channels to ask questions and find solutions.

5. What comes around.... well you know. Return the favor to your clients. If they need your opinion, give it to them. If you're asking them to do something, don't hesitate to do the same for them. Friend and like local business and blog about what they're doing. After all, word of mouth is about the strongest, free advertising you can get!

Once you get started, it comes naturally to share the word. Set aside 30 minutes on Monday mornings, or whatever day suits you, to update your social media sites.

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