Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wrapt by Worx

One day I was sitting in a parking lot waiting to go into an appointment when an idea hit me. I've always wanted to do something for children - kids that have struggling homes or are in need. Why not create scarves for them? That was the day that our "give back" project, Wrapt by Worx, was created.

What's the idea behind all this? We want to "wrap" kids with love, hope and accomplishment. Let them know that no matter what is happening in life, there is always someone out there that cares for them.

We shared our idea with the Greencastle Exchange club and they were more than appreciative and accepting to our idea. So, with scissors in hand, we cut 60 lime green scarves, wrapped them in brown paper and sealed them with love. My son, Kandon, was a wonderful model and tester :)

I feel overwhelmed with joy knowing that this Saturday, 60 kids will open a gift that will keep them warm all winter.

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