Monday, May 7, 2012

Change is uncomfortable.



When worx was launched 5 years ago, the web was only starting to become a necessary marketing tool. For several years, we declined being able to design and launch websites because we didn't know how to. One day, after turning away a dozen or so opportunities, I woke up and said, "Why can't we?"

Change is uncomfortable. We kept saying "no" because it was easy to. At that moment I realized that this was a sink or swim decision - either jump on the band wagon or watch it leave. 

The Greencastle First Friday website was one of the very first websites we designed over 3 years ago. Our "know-how" and abilities were minimal, but we knew with practice and time we could evolve into something great. Over the last 3 years, we've researched, practiced, designed and learned. We turned "we can't" into "absolutely." And now, with the revamp and launch of the NEW First Friday website, we can reflect on our growth.

The moral of the story is, step out of your comfort zone. You never know when changing your mind set could be the next open door to opportunity. 

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