Thursday, June 20, 2013

#hashtag #facebook

Facebook Hashtags

So, you might have noticed that the hashtag has finally made it’s way to facebook. Previously used mostly on instagram and twitter, hashtags allow you to make your posts part of a larger topic or discussion.

Using these are simple and can be very effective for personal and/or business use. To use, simply start with the # (pound) symbol, followed by a word or phrase with no punctuation or spaces. They are free and increase your visibility on search engines and across multiple social media sites.

Facebook’s hashtag functionality is similar to other social media sites allowing you to: search for specific hashtags, click on hashtags that originate from other sites, create posts that include hashtags as well as adding hashtags to facebook ads you’re running.

Try creating a hashtag unique to your brand, such as #yourbusinessname or #yourtagline (best thing is, you don’t have to register it, just start typing!) Just remember some common hashtag etiquette, avoid using hashtags that are irrelevant to your post and keep it short and sweet.

If hastags aren’t working on your facebook yet, don’t worry. Facebook indicates it is still in the process of rolling them out and will take a few weeks to complete. 

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