As I proceed on to officially approach the “late 20’s” age
range, I have come to realize (hindsight bias, of course) that I love how much
more I know myself. Understanding ME has
been extremely helpful. Most teenagers are figuring it out, and even into the
early 20’s as you’re graduating college and/or entering your professional
career, looking, searching and hoping to figure out what kind of adult you will
become. While I give credit to the great company I keep myself surrounded with,
it still eventually comes back to being aware and paying attention to who I
really am.
Understanding your own habits, including your schedule, is
beneficial because our bodies crave regularity. As we grow older, we become
more adaptive to spontaneous interruptions and activities, which is great. If
you stick to a regular waking and sleeping schedule, your body will thank you
and will start to work with you instead of against you, because it knows what
to expect.
Working with your strengths and weaknesses is probably the
hardest fun-thing to do. Understanding your strengths and embracing them can
build confidence and help create a system to achieve success on a regular
basis. Recently I was designing a few logo concepts, and I just wasn’t “there”
yet. The next day, I realized what was missing. As silly as it seems, I have
realized that I have the best creativity for logo creation while listening to a
specific music album on repeat. Creating that setting and environment for
success in any area of your life will start to train your brain to cooperate.
Repeat and Enjoy!
Lastly, understanding how you feel. What are your body’s
most natural levels of Pain? Energy? Hunger? Etc. Once you become aware of what
feels right, when something is off, it will be much more obvious when you need
to adjust your habits.
If you can create a consistent environment to function well
on a daily basis, succeed in your personal and professional life and feel your
upmost best; to create internal cooperation, why wouldn’t you? Keep trying,
keep learning and keep living. Pay attention to yourself, as an adult, only YOU
can make sure YOU are taken care of.
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