Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Your headline stinks.

Caught your attention, didn't we? Creating an ad isn't all about the pretty picture, it's about making a statement. Here are some tips on how we help you create an effective, and catchy, headline.

The boring stuff.
Identify the boring stuff first, then dress it up

Use facts!
Statistics can be boring on their own, but thrown into a creative headline, you can get your message across while giving living proof!

Use your, well, inner smart-ass.
Quirky lines get attention. People expect the norm, and when you go past your limits you create a whole new sense of awareness.

Make 'em laugh.
Surprise your readers. Start your headline with something calm and end in something that makes them fall off their chair.

What are they getting?
What would the world look like without your product. Give them a message that conveys what they could be missing out on.

Inspiration for this post from the June 09 HOW magazine, Wayne Geyer, Write More Good

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