Thursday, March 28, 2013

Explore. Discover. Succeed.

For years, Franklin County Career and Technology Center has been known as the "Vo Tech." With the completion of a $14 million dollar renovation to better the school, it was time to rethink the brand perception. Administrative Director Keith Yohn said “Vo Tech” is an outdated term that just doesn’t fit the new, state-of-the art school. “It’s so much more than a vocational technical school,” Yohn said. “We offer vocational and technical skills, but we’re also preparing students for careers.” Hence the rebranded nick name, CareerTech.

We started the rebranding process by surveying the community, faculty and students to find out what the current perception was and how we could improve it. What we found was that Vo Tech hasn't always had a positive image. There are so many underutilized programs and opportunities and it's time to start putting emphasis on the success stories that have walked through the CareerTech doors.

3 logos were presented and voted on by the students and faculty. The final logo (as seen above) received 60% of the votes. Each student that voted gave a $1 donation that went directly to the United Way. The logo represents moving forward and accelerating in your chosen career path. It also encourages looking at your options from a different perspective (the arrow also serves as the abbreviated "CT" in CareerTech).

The tagline Explore. Discover. Succeed. was developed to encourage potential students to explore their career opportunities, discover their passion and succeed in life. 

Faculty will be receiving their new stationery within the next week, which helps reinforce the new brand. It's important to encourage and inspire your colleagues, espeicially through change. 

The rebranding efforts will continue with an open house in May, unveiling the new signs, remodel and recent changes. The public is encouraged to attend on Saturday, May 4th from 9am-3pm. Sponsorship opportunities are available by contacting Don Frankenfield at

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