Thursday, January 9, 2014

Feel Good Power

Genuine compliments can create such a positive energy. Do you remember the most recent compliment you received? From a loved one or a complete stranger, it just puts a smile on your face and a little extra pep in your step, right? According to, just by noticing and focusing on the good qualities in the world around us gives a boost to our mood. It is a type of cognitive training: a training of attention that, also, adds an element of positivity. A compliment may lead to a charming smile or a delightful conversation. Either way, nothing bad will come from a compliment as long as it is genuine.

Learn to appreciate the little things in life, the details. Fall in love with moments. Noticing the under-appreciated details in the world around you will help create a sense of gratitude towards life. Help spread that gratitude to others by noticing, appreciating and complimenting others, from something as simple as a shirt or haircut, to an accomplishment at work or reaching a personal goal.

So the next time you notice something favorable about someone you know or a complete stranger, ask yourself, “would I appreciate if someone complimented me for that?” If so, go for it! What have you got to lose? Nothing! You just gain an opportunity to make someone’s day and your own.

“Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” – Mother Teresa

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