Thursday, June 26, 2014

Be Thankful.

What if you woke up with only the things you were thankful for yesterday? Don’t wait until November to appreciate all of your blessings.

We all have days (or weeks) when it feels like the world is crashing down around us, but there are still many aspects of our life to be thankful for, hidden due to the overwhelming stress added onto our daily lives.

Below are a few questions to ask yourself:

Think slowly and answer thoroughly. Don’t skip or dismiss any of them. By the end, you will have a healthy list of things for which to give thanks. Knowing and feeling like your life is blessed and full of things to be thankful for will come back ten-fold and spread like wildfire.

1)    Who loves you?
2)    Who/What made you laugh?
3)    What compliments did you receive?
4)    What tasks did you accomplish?
5)    What food nourished your body today?
6)    Who were the positive people that you interacted with today?
7)    What physical tasks were you able to complete today that others could not?
8)    What were you able to buy with the money you are fortunate enough to have?
9)    What was the most peaceful/relaxing moment of your day?
10)    At what moment of your day was someone else dependent on your time and talents?

Perhaps write these down and start collecting varying answers day-to-day, and soon you will see that your life is full of things for which to be thankful.

The things you take for granted, someone else could be praying to have.

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