Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Birthday America!

We here at Worx just celebrated a birthday, so we’re in a very festive mood - and there may have been cupcakes involved. Now we are getting ready to break out the stars, the stripes and the red, white and blue.

The sparklers, the fireworks, the glamour, the picnics from sun-up to sundown and beyond; this is the beauty of our nation’s festivities.

Celebrating a birthday doesn’t have to be a public event but every birthday is a milestone and a blessing and should be a cause for inner merriment. Yes, merriment.

So even if you’re busy, are scared at the potential sound of popping balloons, perhaps feeling like a bah-humbug or are not a big spender on yourself, fear extravagance or fear the spotlight, here are a few ways you can stop to reflect on a birthday – be it an anniversary event or your own special day:

-       Eat a cupcake - as aficionado’s of this delectable, we know a lot about this topic.
-       Buy a present - it doesn’t have to be for yourself; you’ve been given life, and the momentum of giving should continue.
-       Dress up – dress in your best sweats if that’s your fashion statement, just enjoy primping even if you’re lounging around the house.
-       Spend time outdoors - no matter the season, the cycle of life continues
-       Intentionally schedule a few minutes for self-reflection – It’s as simple as prayer, journaling, absently staring at the ceiling, sketching a scene from memory or perusing old photography.
-       Accept invitations - appreciate those who throw you a party, host a dinner and picnic or invite you to celebrate in a national holiday (hint, hint)

No matter how much we like to take time to wander it’s true when J.R.R. Tolkien writes; it doesn’t mean we are lost. However many of us will find that celebrating a birthday, our nation’s birthday and enjoying the sparkle, the hotdogs the ketchup stains; all is heightened because of friend and family.

Be safe, be responsible and don’t forget the glory behind the red, white and blue!

Happy Birthday America and thank you for inviting us to participate in your celebration.

Let the festivities begin!

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