Too often, we find ourselves working day-to-day, finishing
to-do lists, completing a difficult task or wrapping up a huge project just to
move quickly on to the next item on our list. Being busy, non-stop,
hyper-productive, it feels good right?
When you think about the word “busy,” what comes to mind? Do
you often use it to describe your schedule? Your workload? Your entire
lifestyle? Think of using the word “busy” as the equivalent to purposely giving
someone the busy signal. Describing yourself as busy can make you seem
inaccessible. Instead, challenge yourself to use more accurate and positive
synonyms. Below are a few examples:
- Blessed with many projects
- Fortunate to have numerous ongoing clients
- Not boring (that’s my favorite!)
Not only does it have an optimistic spin on the term “busy,”
it also serves as a conversation starter. Busy feels like a door being shut; a
positive phrase seems like an invitation to hear about the on-going excitement!
Within these bursts of productivity, make sure you find time
(schedule it if you have to) to celebrate an accomplishment and/or milestone.
Just stop for a few minutes to reflect on the success of the project. What
worked? What didn’t work? What are the strengths of the project and what did
you learn in the process? What will you do differently next time? What goals
will it help you ultimately reach, and what recognition could this bring to you
and your company?
Acknowledging your accomplishment and, ultimately, progress
in your personal and career goals will help to re-motivate you to keep going.
That confidence will increase your productivity so that you can continue to
improve and succeed during your exciting and fulfilling schedule!
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