Friday, May 15, 2009

Is your business in a recession?

I've never lived through a recession before, but I've learned quick what an effect it can have on a business owner. I also learned that the outcome depends on you and your attitude towards it. My attitude: BRING IT. My business is not in a recession because I treat it that way. Here are some tips to help you feel the same way...

1) Are you advertising? - The first thing people want to do is save money, so what do they do, pull out their advertising dollars. WRONG. This is actually the best time to advertise. Why? Your competitors are pulling out, what a better time to gain market share! When people really start spending bucks again, they'll think of you first.

2) Are you networking? - You are a mobile campaign for your company, and it's free! What's a better way to spread the word about what you do than to tell them yourself? It's about building relationships. 

3) Is your image updated? - Are you using marketing materials from 1972? If so, it's time to update. When your potential clients see that you are with the times, they are more likely to do business with you. For instance, are you offering something new and spectacular that everyone else isn't? That should be advertised!

4) Are you on the web? - Since 2000, the percentage of internet usage has gone up 342.2%. That's powerful. Why not take advantage of that? A website is a perfect place to display who you are, what you do and how you do it. Take it a step further, sell your product online.
(Stats supplied from

The moral of the story is, if you treat your business like it is in a recession, it will get recession results. Hold your head up high and get your name out there.


Anonymous said...

Well stated.

Amanda said...

I give you a standing ovation for your blog!!! Absolutely 100% truth in your words!