Thursday, January 24, 2013

Get the Most Out Of Pinterest for Businesses

“I saw that on Pinterest!”

I’m sure you’ve been hearing that quite a bit recently. We are very visual beings, and the ability to see something versus hearing or reading about it is instantly gratifying. Pinterest is one of the leaders of this trend, and is a social media tool that businesses should take advantage of. Creating a page for your business is a simple way to tell your story, build a community of followers, and send traffic to your website.

The best boards are inspiring with beautiful images and engaging content. Re-pinning images from other Pinterest pages is quick and easy. However, pinning images of your product, your workplace, videos, customer testimonials, and inspirations is much more impactful and reflective of the brand.1 Sharing your values, highlighting specials, celebrating holidays, and showing how you are different are just a few things you can do to make an emotional connection with your audience and build brand equity.

Below is an example of some of the work we have pinned on our Pinterest page:

To increase search engine results from your images, use target keywords in the filenames, quality photos with visual appeal, and a pin description that is accurate and thorough.2 Create a Pinterest profile with multiple boards that reflect the personality and essence of your brand. Adding a link to your Pinterest page to your social media or website can increase your number of followers. There are several tools available to do this, including is a board widget and a follow button that can be added to your website. A pin-it button is available for your website to place next products and updates. 3

To get you started, the creators of Pinterest have set up a page to walk you through every step of creating your own business page:

Just remember…reflect your brand honestly and be yourself.

1. Gulden, Jacey. "Marketing Technology for Growth." Synecore. N.p., 14 Aug. 2012. Web. 11 Jan. 2013.
2. Lewis, Sage. "10 Tips for Pinterest Search Engine Optimization." ClickZ. AOP, 12 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Jan. 2013
3. “Pinterest for Business.”, 2013. Web 22 Jan. 2013.

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