Thursday, January 3, 2013

We're rolling up our sleeves

This part of the year is typically a time to reflect on the past and focus on the future. The story isn't any different at Worx.

We encourage a lot of you to blog, write about your industry and share relatable information to the public. So why haven't we been doing this? Well, if you're reading this it's probably because you either own a business or are involved in marketing and we all know how easy it is to get wrapped up in keeping the daily operation moving forward.

This year, we're focusing on bringing you more information. The kind of stuff that makes you go "ohhhhhh." We want you to have that "ah-hah" moment that takes you to the next level, make the world of advertising a little bit easier to understand and inspire you to challenge yourself.

This year you can expect information on a weekly basis from us. We'll be talking about:

Week 1: Inspiration - Staying positive and proactive
Week 2: Branding - Understand your brand potential better
Week 3: Technical - What's trending and how to use it
Week 4: Client Feature - Showcasing one of our latest go-getters

We're starting off the year with a few great changes ourselves...

As of January 1st, 2013, we are officially Worx Graphic Design, Inc. (sounds official, huh?)

We also launched our new website which puts a heavier focus on client experience.

2013 is a time to take life and business by the hand and conquer those unsung goals. I challenge you to stir up those ideas that have kept you up at night. It's time to make things happen, together.

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