Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Glass is Half...

The edge that successful people have over others is their thought process. There are two types of people in the world: optimist and pessimists. Of course there is some overlapping at times. You could be the most optimistic person in the world and still have negative thoughts from time to time. It's human nature.

But here is the real difference. Pessimists tend to think that the negative situation that they are facing will last forever and is completely their fault. They throw their hands up and give in to defeat. Optimists see the same situation as a temporary setback. They know that external circumstances such as choices from others or bad timing can often affect us. Most importantly, they know and accept that this may not be their fault and move on. They believe their way through it.

Think back to a time where you allowed fear to make a decision for you. Is it a personality trait that holds you back? Maybe you procrastinate. Are you terrified of public speaking? The poison behind these things are not the traits themselves, but the mindset you have. "I've always done things at the last minute so I always will."

Here's the key: Shift your mindset! If you believe that you will always procrastinate, then you will. But if you slowly start incorporating things into your life that help you avoid procrastination, you will eventually kick the habit! What if instead of "there's no way I can do that," you said "I know I have potential in this." Set yourself up for success!

Optimistic people tend to live longer, are less likely to have depression and are most likely to be more successful in business and in life. A little self pep talk can go a long way!

(Photo courtesy of Julia Balfour, LLC)

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