Friday, July 5, 2013

High Five +1

Six years ago this week, in the worst economic downturn of our time, I took a leap of faith. Starting a business and leaving a full time paycheck scared the crap out of me. However, I have a motto that I live by. If it doesn't scare me, it's not a good idea. So here we are.

As a small business owner, I can relate to all the risk takers out there. There's something exhilarating and horrifying about each phase you grow through. One of the things I love most, however, are the endless possibilities. We have the opportunity to work with some of the most unique and dedicated business people and ideas in the world. From artists to doctors, schools and restaurants (to name a few), we've had the honor to be part of their passion. Watching people grow and succeed is priceless.

I've added some pretty amazingly talented people to the worx team along the way. Amber (3 years) and Kassie (1 year) have played such an integrated role in who we are today. I'm a firm believer in surrounding yourself with people that are 1. smarter than you and 2. have a unique talent. It's the distinct differences and talents that make the worx team what it is - fun and modern, precise and dedicated.

We have a pretty amazing support team, including the two cuties you see above. Our kids are our #1 priority and we're fortunate to work from the home office where we can watch them grow! Our husbands and families are pretty awesome too! AJ is a huge help to us, running proofs, monitoring print jobs and being the ring leader in this circus of a home office :)

As a team we've developed hundreds of brands, dozens of websites, and coached countless excited entrepreneurs. Even more exciting is there is so much more ahead! If you're thinking about taking the leap of faith, whether it's starting a business or expanding a current one, I encourage you to do it. The only thing standing in the way of your success and happiness is you.

"You can't try to do things, you must simply DO them." -Ray Bradbury

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