Thursday, July 11, 2013

Better Health Equals a Better You

It isn’t news that better health can increase productivity. We have all been there. You look up at the clock, it is 3:00pm, and you forgot to eat lunch. You head to a vending machine or through the drive thru and grab a quick bite. The rest of the day you feel sluggish and have a hard time concentrating.

When you take care of your body, it is easier to focus on the tasks that lie before you, and to avoid temptations related to distractions. With increased motivation and a clear mind, you will be able to work more efficiently. There are several things you can do to make yourself feel better:

Get some sleep. Sleep helps your brain function better and allows you to make better decisions. You will be able to focus and be more productive.

Relax. Relaxation reduces stress, can boost your energy level, and can help you to focus. If something is frustrating at work, take a break and come back later with a fresh perspective.

Get moving. In combination with enough sleep, exercise can give you a boost of energy. Get your blood flowing first thing in the morning, and you will feel awake, energized and ready to take on the day.

You are what you eat. Your body needs the right fuel to function properly. Sometimes we fall off the wagon, eat junk for a while, and feel really tired and out of it. Add in more of the good stuff, including fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins to your diet. Good fuel makes you feel better, leading to better motivation and productivity.

Take care of your emotional health. To give your productivity an extra boost, give yourself a little extra TLC. Here are a few things you can do:

• Take a short break to read or eat something healthy
• Take a short walk to clear your mind
• Work on something else for a while
• Organize your work space

If you feel fatigued, don’t try to do a marathon. Take a break and engage in an activity that takes care of your health. Once you take care of your needs, you can go back to your tasks with more energy. 

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