Thursday, November 7, 2013

Do What Fires You Up!

How you spend your time is how you spend your life. You know all of those things you’ve always wanted to do? The time to do them is now. The circumstances will never be aligned perfectly, and you will never have forward movement without taking risks. If you remember one thing from this post, remember this: You, playing small, will not serve the world.

Say yes to what fires you up. But, how do you get there? Fill your environment with what matters most to you. Physically get out there and do what matters most. You will know it when you feel it. When you are continually focusing on it, your mind becomes quiet, you find peace and clarity, and your renewed state-of-mind will elevate your work and business. When you can define your core, you will attract clients that think like you.

Risk success, because it is not guaranteed. Saying no to one thing is saying yes to something better. Choosing one or the other is always a risk. Maybe this will mean less income, you may lose clients that don’t share your values, or your family and friends may not support it. It’s worth the risk when it matters most to you.

What is physically keeping you from doing what fires you up? Are you worried about what people will think or have fear of failure? Most emotional fears are irrational bi-products of our own thinking. Just because everyone is headed in one direction, doesn’t mean you have to go follow along. Make decisions based on your values, because you can’t be everything to everyone.

You are more than enough, and you are here for a purpose. Everyone ends up somewhere, but few end up there intentionally. To be different, you have to be yourself.

The ability to make decisions will come naturally once you can define what is most important to you. Do what fires you up. Do what matters.

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