Thursday, December 12, 2013

Experiences are a More Valuable Currency than Money

With the holiday season in full swing everyone seems to have that extra holiday cheer, right? Everyone is out shopping for stuff. Giving gifts, especially personal ones is great, but eventually most gifts end up unused, used up and thrown away or forgotten. Guess what can’t be taken away, thrown away or taken advantage of? Experiences.

Only you are responsible for how you feel. You can keep that holiday cheer all year long. Do you have a hard time looking on the bright side of things? If so, it’s okay, just know you are capable of transforming that mindset. You are in control of how you feel and what you do.

Little by little, practice enjoying the little (and big) things in life. The most simple, to just smile more. Smiles are contagious; it’s hard to make eye contact with someone who is smiling and not smile back, right? Each time you smile you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. Just the act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and *happiness.

Make yourself filthy rich with memories. There is limitless storage in your brain that you can reference at any time. Your house only has so much room to store that stuff.

Despite how others around you are feeling or acting, be in control of your feelings. Absorb the compliments and precious memories. Deflect the insults or rude comments. It’s not worth hearing and remembering. Remember, “It’s theirs, not yours.”

What steps are you taking to be filthy rich with happiness?

*Learn more about how smiles and happiness literally affects your brain and body here:

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