Thursday, February 27, 2014

Your Simple Life Manifesto – Part Three

In like a lion, and out like a lamb. That seems to be how March works for us. The weight of an endless winter combined with work, family and everyday life can have a huge impact mentally and physically. Not to worry, I have some good news! The final part of this three-part series will focus on ways to simplify your personal heath and well-being.
Simplify your health. There are a number of ways to maintain your health easily.
Eat healthfully. It isn’t news that diet is important to your overall health. A lot of fruits and veggies, and less of the bad stuff like processed foods, refined sugar and flour will do wonders for the way you feel. A healthy diet is not a quick fix for dropping a few pounds; it needs to be part of your lifestyle.
Get moving. Feeling the winter blahs? Get back in touch with nature! Bundle up and head outside, even if it is for a short walk. I promise, you will feel much more energized and ready to take on the world.
Treat yourself. Everyone needs a little TLC now and then. Why not schedule a massage or a manicure? Getting pampered is a great chance to relax and rejuvenate.
Free your mind. You can do this anywhere and anytime. Meditation allows you to focus on what really matters while taking a moment to relax. How do you meditate? Relax your mind and let your thoughts come and go. There isn’t a wrong way to do it.
Have some you time. This may be uncomfortable for some, but spending time alone gives clarity on what is important to you. This quiet time gives you time to think and discover who you are.
Spend time with loved ones. More time with people you enjoy (and less with those you don’t). Find time to reconnect and do things with them.
Streamline your interactions. There are some basic ways to simplify your relationships that will save you headaches in the long run:
• Learn how to say no. You can’t please everyone, and if you try, you will please everyone but yourself.
• Don’t cross oceans for those who wouldn’t jump puddles for you. Stop giving to those that fail time and time again to do the same.
• Follow your gut. If something seems a little shady, it probably is. Don’t be influenced by these types of people.

The journey to a simple life is personal, and there is no wrong way to get there. What works for you today may need to be adjusted down the road. Some final thoughts: Don’t worry about something if you cannot change the outcome. If you can, do it! “Be yourself,” sounds cliché but it exists for a reason. It is much easier just to be who you are. The right people will love you for being authentically you.

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