Friday, April 18, 2014

Kick fear in the rear

Fear. What does that mean, anyway? Well, Webster says it's an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that something or someone is dangerous, or the feeling of anxiety concerning an outcome of something. There are fears of objects, fears of people, fears of the unknown. Today I want to talk about the fear of failure.

The fear of failure is something many entrepreneurs face. There's comfort in doing the same thing we've always done. You know how to do it, and it’s safe. Wait! (Insert screeching car tire sound effect...) If you keep doing the same thing won't you keep getting the same results? Ouch. That hits home.

I discovered a secret this week (make sure to watch the video above from The Green Couch Project). Fear can do one of two things for you:
1.     Drive your passion or
2.     Stall your success

Here's my challenge to you: Think about something that scares the heck out of you. I'm not talking about a scary movie or making a decision, or something that doesn't feel right in your gut. I'm talking about that big idea you have; the expansion of your business, hiring a new employee, moving your office, raising your rates, risking all you have to live your purpose. Get that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach? Good.

Now, think past that fear. Stop looking at all the what ifs and the how am I going to's. What does your life look like when that dream, goal or passion is in place? Are you excited? Does it feel right? Are you happy?

That is the dream to act on, my friends. When you can see past the unknown and look into the future and visualize what life looks like when you've reached that goal; you're setting yourself up for success. Whenever fear tries to sneak back in, visualize that successful place:
· Make a collage of that vision
· Draw a picture
· Create a Pinterest board
· Verbalize it with your closest loved ones
· Write about the emotions in a journal

When you give life to a dream, you crush the fear. Negative energy cannot live where positive energy thrives.

Lets redefine fear. False Expectations Appearing Real. Fear only has as much power as we allow. False expectations. The “belief" that something is dangerous. See a common thread? We create fear! Acknowledge the feeling, then release it and focus on your life purpose. You have the power and drive to achieve anything and everything you've ever wanted.

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