Thursday, May 15, 2014

Building the dream team

A few months or years back you had an idea to create a company. You went through the day to day operation wearing all the hats; making sales calls, building relationships, doing the work, accounting, marketing and everything else that comes along with being a risk taker.

Then one day you realized that you haven't been outside in two weeks, your refrigerator is empty and the only bags you've packed are under your eyes. Working 12-15 hours a day catches up to you quickly. Then the thought crosses your mind - should I hire someone to help me? Well if you want to grow your company and gain your sanity, yes, you should.

It's scary to hire for the first time. Or the third. Or the tenth. How do you find people that are just as dedicated as you are? How do I know someone won't take advantage of? Well the truth is, you'll never know. But there are things you can do to not only find the right people but also keep them.

About three years into my business I was exhausted and knew I needed help. I asked a mentor "How do I know when it's time to hire?" He said something that has been engrained in my head: "When it hurts." When I am working into the night, barely keeping my head above water and it lasts for more than a month or two, it's time to hire. It hurts.

I now have one part-time and two full time employees that I adore. Sometimes I sit back and wonder what I've done to deserve a team that is just as passionate about Worx and our clients as I am. Then I remember that things don't happen accidentally. I'm often asked how I've put together such an amazing team so I thought I'd share those answers with you here.

  1. live your brand - your personal brand should be an extension of your business brand. When I'm at work I am the same person that I am at home (minus the computer). They know what to expect by experiencing the company culture. We laugh, joke, smile and do crazy stuff all while cranking out a great deal of quality work and making deadlines. We're dedicated and optimistic. Each new employee can anticipate what its like to work here before setting foot in the door.
  2. teach them - the first few months with a new employee are critical. Teach them about your company culture, what your expectations are and what your processes are. When you change things in the office, show your team what to do or how to do it. They cannot execute what's in your mind if they don't know about it.
  3. invite them to be part of your dream - don't hire people to be the busy workers that make your dream come true. Instead, invite them to be part of the dream. Express what your vision for the future is, share your mistakes and victories and get them exited. Set the tone that you're in this as a team.
  4. let them make mistakes - they're people, just like you are. I'm not sure about you but I sure as heck am not perfect. Mistakes in the workplace happen! Let go of the "to do it right I have to do it myself" mindset. Show them what they did wrong, give the advise they need to fix it and they will learn how to avoid it in the future.
  5. spoil them - good people are hard to find so when you find them, spoil them! I'm not saying buy them a car or give million dollar raises (although I'm sure they wouldn't mind) but treat them well. Sometimes we shut down early on Fridays, I show up with surprise coffees or have lunch delivered. Most recently I told them that once a month ongoing we'll be getting chair massages in the office. It's a small investment that makes a big impact. Take care of the people that take care of you.
  6. show them gratitude - this is one of the simplest things to do yet gets lost in the day to day. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Call them out on something great they did, how they handled a situation or how much you appreciate a task they completed. Stop and say THANK YOU. They're like mini checkpoints along the journey. 
  7. let them know how you feel - for better or for worse. My team knows I am human just like they are because when I'm excited I am dancing around the office and when I'm upset it's silent. Apparently my eyes also turn ice blue? Who woulda thought. The point is, invite them in to rejoice with you and help iron out the wrinkles when they arise. 
  8. invest in them - this is one of my favorites. There's nothing that screams "I believe in you!!" like investing in your team. We recently attended an all day webinar on leadership. I very well could have gone by myself but why? Worx is WE not I. To get to our next goal we need all of our minds to grow, not just mine. 
The law of attraction proves that you attract what you put out. Be as authentic as you can be, make yourself available and lead by example. Your team is reliant on you to lead them!

Photo by Anderson Photographs

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