Thursday, September 4, 2014

It started with a couch.

Seven years ago I started my business adventure from my couch. I was 6 months pregnant with my son, so putting my feet up was an added bonus. Each morning I cleared off our coffee table, set up my files, pulled out some pens and started to work.

Over time, the 4-5 hour days turned into 5-6 hours. Then 6-8 hours. Before I knew it, I had a "normal" workweek and the couch wasn't cutting it anymore, so I upgraded to an iMac and took over our kitchen table. Every night we'd clear the table and transform it from an office to a dinner table and then back again. I can tell you that got old. Quick. You also come to a point when you realize that you are only one human that would like to see the outdoors again. That's when it's time to hire.

Over the next few years we went through a number of office transitions, starting with the remodel of the back half of our garage. Each time we added a team member, it was like the next Tetris piece coming down and we needed to find the best space for them. First Amber, then Kassie and most recently, Momina. 

Now, picture this: a 12' x 13' room, 4 women and their desks, 2 filing cabinets and a shelving unit. It's a great thing that we all get along really well because we were close. Really close. For the last year, that's how we've been producing. The positive? We could chat and review things quickly. The downfall? We have supplies in the garage, under our desks, and everyone has to be silent when someone is on the phone. After 5 office reworks, it was time for expansion, again. 

We were so fortunate to find a house that was not only in our budget but had a full, unfinished basement that would triple our workspace; it would take a lot of work, but it would be so beneficial.

Getting into this space has been no easy task. For 29 days straight, day and night, we worked on finishing the basement ourselves with the help of some very talented and dedicated friends and family members. It's not easy to move your entire life in one month. Not only did we move the house, but we finished the new office and then moved it too. A quote comes to mind,

”If you’re going to do anything great in life there will be opposition, setbacks, delays, critics. When you have big dreams you’re going to have big challenges."

It has been quite a challenge to get to the point where I am sitting in my new space writing this blog to you. I also know that you have to work really hard to achieve your dreams. The word resilient comes to mind when I think about the last 7 years and 6 office upgrades we've worked through. Each one had its season and celebration. Each one is tied to a time during the Worx story and I am grateful to have experienced each one of them.

I chose to share the journey with hopes to inspire someone else to follow their passion and craft the life they want. I started this business from literally nothing but the idea that I wanted to raise my son from home while fulfilling my passion of being a designer. From the couch to the new space, I have treasured each step knowing that without that phase or challenge, I'd never get to the next victory.

As I sit here and look around, I see that victory. It's not just about more space and storage areas, it's about having a vision and watching it come to life. Today I am able to reflect on all of our accomplishments as a family, team and as an individual and am forever grateful for everyone who has supported the Worx team throughout the build out and over the years. I can promise you that the best is yet to come. 

If you're sitting there wondering how on earth you'll make your dreams come true, just trust that you will and work your tail off until you do. And you'll have bigger dreams to work towards by then! And in case you're wondering, we've built in space for the next 1-3 future Worx employees : )


Unknown said...

You inspire me

Unknown said...

You inspire me!

AlyssaJosephine said...

Beautiful work space! Worx has been such an inspiration to me since I met Laura at my senior portfolio review in the spring! Keep being awesome! ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful to have met you, Laura Wallace and it has been a blessing to watch you and your business grow! You have an amazing staff and I am excited to see just how far you can go! Congratulations!!!